Freeing Your Vehicle From A Mud-Slicked Area


If you find yourself stuck in a muddy area when driving, steps will need to be taken in freeing your vehicle from the muck. Mud can be tricky to escape without knowing the proper tactics in gaining traction. Here are some tips to use when trying to remove your vehicle from a muddy spot. Check Your Surroundings For Items To Help  If the spot you get stuck in is a remote area, it may take a while to get a tow truck to come to your aid.

6 June 2016

Three Types Of Specialized Tow Trucks That Manage Heavy Duty Towing


Heavy duty towing often involves some very special equipment. In particular, the trucks involved are unique to the towing industry. If you own and operate a towing business, like Express Tow & Recovery, and would like to expand your business to include these specialized tows, here are three specialized tow "trucks" that you will need. Aviation Towing: Pushback Tractors Usually, airports have their own pushback tractors for plane towing. However, the pushback tractors can break down and on a particularly busy day for major airports, that is a recipe for numerous delays (unless they can find towing services outside their grounds).

7 March 2016

Flat Tire On The Highway: What To Do


Flat tires can happen anywhere, with one of the worst possibilities being a flat that occurs while you're driving on a busy highway. This can be a dangerous situation if you don't handle it responsibly. Here are some great tips for dealing with this potentially precarious circumstance.   First   The first thing to do is make certain that you do not lose control of the vehicle. Grip the steering wheel firmly, so that you have as much control of the car as possible.

28 January 2016